Food for the Future and Fashion from the Past. Unapologetically

Who is VintageVegan78?

Hey there! My name is K.C., a vegan cook, and vintage stylist. I have always had a passion for food and fashion. I believe that both can be a form of self-expression and creativity.

I decided to combine my two passions and started sharing my love for vegan cooking and vintage styling on Instagram. My goal is to inspire others to live a more conscious and sustainable lifestyle that is good for our health and the planet but also fun and creative.

I encourage my followers to join me in making small intentional changes toward a healthier and more sustainable future.

Join me on Instagram and Facebook, and let's embark on this thrilling adventure together. Get ready to be amazed, inspired, and motivated to create a future that is as delicious as it is stylish!

Embracing Individuality

We understand that each individual's journey toward veganism is unique. We encourage open-mindedness, compassion, and non-judgment as we navigate this path together. Whether you choose to embrace veganism fully or incorporate more plant-based meals into your diet, every step toward conscious consumption makes a difference.

Cooking with Intention

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We aim to inspire you to approach cooking as a meditative and nourishing practice. Each recipe is thoughtfully crafted to engage your senses and bring a sense of presence to your culinary creations.

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Crafting a Visual Tale of Flavor and Tradition

Our Vision

We believe every recipe has a story, and through mindful styling, we aim to bring those stories to life